Lately I've been thinking that it would be nice to own a digital SLR. I've been missing the flexibility that I had when taking pictures with my film camera, but didn't want to drag it out again and have to get photos developed on film and converted to digital. I did a little research online, spoke with some camera store employees, solicited some recommendations from friends and decided to purchase a Nikon D5000. According to the site I ordered it from, the shipping estimation to my zip code was only 2 days - with the 24 hour order to ship time they promised, I figured I'd have the camera in a few days. Boy was I disappointed when I finalized the order and they told me it would take a whole week! ...not very long in the grand scheme of things, but I'd been all ready for it to arrive before the weekend and had my hopes up for using it right away, especially since it was Halloween. I managed to temper my expectations and wait (somewhat) patiently until today when it arrived on my doorstep.
Gus knew that I had been waiting for the camera all week and was almost as excited as I was when he woke up from his nap and I told him it had arrived. We opened the box, unpacked the camera and then spent the rest of the afternoon playing with cameras - me with the new one and Gus with our older camera. Here are some of our shots...
Photo I took of Gus:
Photo Gus took of himself:
Photo I took of Gus:
Photo Gus took of me:
awesome! so happy for you! i totally know the thrill of getting a new camera, especially what i've called my 'big girl' camera. :)